Siemen's New Home-Charging Solution Means No Electric Panel Upgrades
Siemens has teamed up with a company called ConnectDER to offer a money-saving home EV charging solution that won’t require people to get their home’s electrical service or box upgraded. If this all works out as planned, it could be a game-changer for the EV industry.
If you’ve had a home EV charging station installed, or at least received a quote for one, it can prove to be very pricey. This is especially true if you end up needing to have your home’s electrical service and/or panel upgraded.
With the new solution from Siemans and Connect DER, the EV charging station can be wired right into your home’s electric meter. Not only will this solution significantly reduce the cost of home-charging installation, but it also makes the job possible in a matter of minutes, which isn’t the case with the current situation.
ConnectDER produces meter collars that get installed between your home’s electric meter and the meter socket. This essentially creates a plug-and-play setup to add instant capacity to easily accept a home charging system for an electric car. ConnectDER has announced that in partnership with Siemens, it will provide a proprietary plug-in EV charger adapter for the system.
By using this new system to bypass typical EV charger installation, costs to the consumer can be reduced by 60 to 80 percent. ConnectDER notes in its article that the solution will also save “upwards of $1,000 for customers installing solar on their home.” We recently had solar installed, and the electrical service and panel upgrade added significant costs to the pricing of the project as a whole.
The companies have not yet announced details about pricing, but they told Electrek they’re finalizing pricing, and “it will be a fraction of the cost of a service panel upgrade or other modifications often needed to make for a charger.”
The spokesperson also shared that the upcoming adaptors will likely become available through a variety of sources beginning in the first quarter of 2023.
What do you think of this potential solution? Will it prove to be foolproof and deliver significant savings? This topic deserves some conversation. Head down to our comment section and share your thoughts.
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